
V8016 digital instrumentation

Author:Anonymous Update:2013-7-11 Hits:0

Features and Uses

The instrument uses a 24 bit A / D converter, and various types of sensors, transmitters with the realization of the pressure, flow, level, composition analysis, and the amount of force and mechanical and other physical parameters of measurement, display, alarm monitoring, data collection and records. There are positive and negative on the force measurements of the wind.



Technical Specifications


Supply Voltage AC 195 ~ 242V, power consumption <5W
Output excitation voltage 9V ± 5% (for sensor supply), current <50mA
Show Dual five high-brightness red LED
Monitoring cycle 0.2 seconds
Measurement Accuracy ± 0.2% F · S
Work Environment Temperature 0 ~ 50 ℃, humidity 20 ~ 90R.H