
JSJ-GL-model (OEM) board loop sensors

Author:Anonymous Update:2013-7-11 Hits:0

The lower end of the control panel of control box distribution of four months air plugs, respectively sensors, control into the control-out and lift motor. Display panel with four LED digital tube is used to display the current weight and programming information, four buttons are: setting, shift the addend and cleared for parameter setting.

Parameter setting method:

1, in the normal display mode, press the Set button to enter the parameter setting mode, the cursor display Cin, ask for the password.

2, after the password is entered, press the Set button to enter the overload early warning (SAL), if you want to modify the parameters, press the Shift key to enter, and processing through the shift key on the number keys to modify the flashing digit, press the Set button to save the . Otherwise, press the Set button to skip.

3, the modification is complete, press the Set button to enter the overload shutdown (SAH), parameter settings as above.

4, press the Set button to enter the missing Airborne Early Warning (SPL), parameter settings as above.

5, press the Set button to enter the lost set down (SPH), parameter settings as above.

6, press the Set button to enter the overload switch (CS), 0 is off, 1 is on, press the Shift key to enter, press the key addend changes, press the Set button to save. Otherwise, press the Set button to skip.

7, press the Set button to enter the lost set switch (SS), parameter settings as above.

8, press the Set button to enter the meter calibration status. Were zero (SL), full scale (SH) and decimal places (SD), this state without any user operation, press the Set button to skip, otherwise it will create sub-control data measurement allowed